Looking for Project Management courses to acquire the skills you need to advance your career in the Project Management field.
You can learn about project management concepts, applications, and software tools at your own pace with a wide range of online classes and training courses.
With the boom in E-learning, the modality of Project Management education is breaking all the traditional boundaries. From project management books, videos, articles, online tools, software to apps including onLooking foline project management courses, there is an abundance of resources to help you to propel your career in the Project Management domain.
In this changing trend, it is very important for Project Management professionals and to continuously keep up with current best practices and update their knowledge.

Project Management Course Duration

The fundamental purpose of most projects is to make or save money. However, in the modern economy, a significant percentage of the project ends up losing money or even failure of the business. Projects are basically the backbone of the modern economy.

And there comes project management courses into the picture which provides the required knowledge and training to project management professionals or aspiring project managers.

Always remember, Project Management is a very dynamic field, constantly deals with various types of complex projects. Irrespective of your current position of professional journey, you will need to continuously learn new techniques and upgrade your skills.

In this learning process, you might have to stumble upon finding out the actual time required to complete a project management course. I am pretty much sure you must have thought about the duration of the course while upgrading your skills,

And the answer depends on what kind of course, you want to take.

Basically, there are 4 categories of Project  Management courses

  • Article, Vlog, & Short video courses
  • Certification Course
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Masters & PhD

A typical guideline about the course duration can be found in below table.


Average Duration

Best suited for



Article, Vlog, & Short Video courses 

0-200 Hours

General Project Management Concept, Topic basis learning

Adhoc basis learning

Instant Concept clarification

Aspiring Project Managers, Student and Diploma holders

Online mode

Free- to Paid course

Google, LinkedIn, Coursera, Udemy, YouTube and many more


Certification Course   

3-6 Months

Accreditation and certification

Detail Understanding of Project management concepts & processes

Project Management Tools & Software Learning

Working professional with experience or fresher

Online(majority) & Offline Mode

Paid Course

Google, PMI, PRINCE2, EDx,


Bachelor Degree

3-4 Years

Deeper understanding for Project Management

Application of Project Management process in different Industry

Practical industrial project work

On-Campus study

High-Tuition Fee

Harvard, MIT, IIT,


Masters & PhD


2-5 Years

Bachelor degree holders

Research on specific type of project management Process

On-Campus study + Industrial Project work

High-Tuition Fee

Harvard, MIT, IIT,

Is Project Management Certification & Degree is sufficient? 

only Project Management courses are sufficient?
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Project Management courses are good to support your claim of having knowledge of project management but not enough to successfully manage project.

Please note that projects are is specific to industries. A project in IT sector will be completely different form a typical project in construction industry. However, concept of project management process will remain same.

A project is well coordinated set of responses to fulfil a unique goal. Usually, there is a preferred sequence of execution for the project’s activities which varies from industry to industry.

And, Project Management is both an art and a science of getting things done.

An art because there is no one definitive answer for how to best manage a project, and a science because there are well-developed techniques, tool and processes that can help team to complete a project successfully.

That why you find many project managers (or accidental project manager) in specific industry. They are more knowledgeable about industry specific and know-how. Also, they might not be certified project manager but aware about business specific project management practices.


There are four categories of project management courses, Article, Vlog, & Short video courses, Certification Course, Bachelor Degree, Masters & PhD. Duration of these course may vary from weeks to years.

These certification & degrees are good to support that have knowledge of Project Management concepts but not enough to successfully manage project. Sufficient amount of practical knowledge of project work is mandatory to develop you career as project manager.

Tell me, which course you are taking to learn Project Management? Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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